The Unity of Interests Between the Council Union and All Humanity


This edition of The Unity of Interests Between the Council Union and All Humanity has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the following editions:

  • The Identity of Interests Between the Soviet Union and All Mankind, in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, First English Edition, Vol. 2, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1965.
  • The Identity of Interests Between the Soviet Union and All Mankind, in Mao's Road to Power, First English Edition, Vol. 7, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk and London, 2005.


This is an article written by Comrade Mao Zedong in Yan'an, Shaanxi, China on the 28th of September, 1939. It was first published in the Jiefang, No. 86 (10th of October, 1939).

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!


#Mao Zedong
#28th of September, 1939


With the approach of the 22nd anniversary of the Great November Socialist Revolution, the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association has asked me for an article. On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Council Union and China. For they are being discussed by the people in China today, especially among various anti-Japanese political parties and factions, anti-Japanese soldiers, students, and youth, journalists, and people in cultural circles, and apparently, no definite conclusions have yet been reached. It may be of some help if I take this opportunity to put forward my views for the consideration of those who are concerned about the war in Europe and about Sino-Soviet relations.


Some people say that the Council Union does not want the world to remain at peace, because the outbreak of a world war is to its advantage, and that the present war was precipitated by the Council Union's conclusion of a non-aggression treaty with Germany instead of a treaty of mutual assistance with Britain and France. I consider this view incorrect. The foreign policy of the Council Union over a very long period of time has consistently been one of peace, a policy based on the close links between its own interests and those of the overwhelming majority of humanity. For its own socialist construction, the Council Union has always needed peace, has always needed to strengthen its peaceful relations with other countries and prevent an anti-Soviet war; for the sake of peace on a world scale, it has also needed to check the aggression of the Fascist countries, curb the warmongering of the so-called democratic countries, and delay the outbreak of an imperialist world war for as long as possible. The Council Union has long devoted great energy to the cause of world peace. For instance, it has joined the League of Nations,1 signed treaties of mutual assistance with France and Czechoslovakia,2 and tried hard to conclude security pacts with Britain and all other countries that might be willing to have peace. After Germany and Italy jointly invaded Spain, and when Britain, the United States, and France adopted a policy of nominal «non-intervention», but of actual connivance at their aggression, the Council Union opposed the «non-intervention» policy and gave the Spanish Republican forces active help in their resistance to Germany and Italy. After Japan invaded China, and when the same three powers adopted the same kind of «non-intervention» policy, the Council Union not only concluded a non-aggression treaty with China, but gave China active help in its resistance. When Britain and France connived at Hitler's aggression and sacrificed Austria and Czechoslovakia, the Council Union spared no effort in exposing the sinister aims behind the Munich policy and made proposals to Britain and France for checking further aggression. When Poland became the burning question in the spring and summer of this year, and it was touch-and-go whether world war would break out, the Council Union negotiated with Britain and France for over four months, despite Chamberlain's and Daladier's complete lack of sincerity, in an endeavour to conclude a treaty of mutual assistance to prevent the outbreak of war. But all these efforts were blocked by the imperialist policy of the British and French governments, a policy of conniving at, instigating, and spreading war, so that eventually, the cause of world peace was thwarted and the imperialist world war broke out. The governments of Britain, the United States, and France had no genuine desire to prevent this war; on the contrary, they helped to bring it about. Their refusal to come to terms with the Council Union and conclude a really effective treaty of mutual assistance based on equality and reciprocity proved that they wanted not peace but war. Everybody knows that, in the modern world, rejection of the Council Union means rejection of peace. Even Lloyd George, that typical representative of the British bourgeoisie, knows this.3 It was in these circumstances, and when Germany agreed to stop its anti-Soviet activities, abandon the Agreement Against the Communist International, and recognize the inviolability of the Soviet borders, that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was concluded. The plan of Britain, the United States, and France was to egg Germany on to attack the Council Union, so that they themselves, «sitting on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight», could come down and take over after the Council Union and Germany had worn each other out. The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty smashed this plot. In overlooking this plot and the schemes of the Anglo-French imperialists, who connived at and instigated war and precipitated a world war, some of our compatriots have actually been taken in by the sugary propaganda of these schemers. These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherperson who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as «non-intervention», but what they actually did was to «sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight». Quite a number of people throughout the world have been fooled by the honeyed words of Chamberlain and his partners, failing to see the murderous intent behind their smiles, or to understand that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was concluded only after Chamberlain and Daladier had made up their minds to reject the Council Union and bring about the imperialist war. It is time for these people to wake up. The Council Union offers a complete contrast. The Council Union wants, not only peace for itself, but also world peace; it wants, not only to prevent aggression by the Fascist States against its own country and small and weak nations, but also to prevent the outbreak of a world war and stop the warmongering activities of the so-called democratic States, or at least delay the outbreak of the world war. The unfortunate outbreak of the world war is entirely the result of the imperialist countries' rejection and sabotage of the common efforts of the Council Union and the people of the world to maintain peace. The fact that the Council Union worked hard to preserve world peace to the very last minute proves that the interests of the Council Union are identical with those of the overwhelming majority of humanity. This is the first question I wanted to talk about.


Some people say that, now that the imperialist Second World War has broken out, the Council Union will probably take sides — in other words, the Soviet Red Army seems to be on the point of joining the German imperialist front. I consider this view incorrect. On whichever side, the Anglo-French or the German, the war that has just broken out is an unjust, predatory, and imperialist war. The Communist Parties and the people of all countries should rise up against it and expose the imperialist character of both belligerents, for this imperialist war brings only harm and no benefit whatever to the people of the world, and they should expose the criminal acts of the Social-Democratic Parties in supporting the imperialist war and betraying the interests of the proletariat. The Council Union is a socialist country, a country in which the Communist Party is in power, and it necessarily maintains a clear-cut two-fold attitude toward wars:

  • It firmly refuses to take part in any unjust, predatory, and imperialist war and maintains strict neutrality toward the belligerents. Hence, the Soviet Red Army will never disregard principles and join either of the imperialist war fronts.
  • It actively supports just and non-predatory wars of liberation. For instance, it helped the Chinese people in their war of the Northern Expedition 13 years ago and the Spanish people in their war against Germany and Italy up to this last year; it has been helping the Chinese people in their War of Resistance Against Japan for the last two years and the Mongolian people in resisting Japan for the last few months; and it will certainly give help to any war for the liberation of the masses or of a nation which may break out in other countries in the future, and will certainly give help to any wars that contribute to the defence of peace.

The history of the Council Union in the last 22 years has already proved this, and history will prove it again in the future. Some people regard the Council Union's trade with Germany, which is based on the Soviet-German commercial agreement, as an act of participation in the war on the German side. This view, too, is wrong, for it confuses trade with participation in war. Trade must not be confused with participation in war or with rendering assistance. For example, the Council Union traded with Germany and Italy during the Spanish Civil War, yet nobody in the world said that the Council Union was helping Germany and Italy in their aggression against Spain; on the contrary, people said that it was helping Spain in resisting this aggression, the reason being that the Council Union actually did give help to Spain. Again, during the present Second Sino-Japanese War, the Council Union is trading with Japan, but nobody in the world is saying that the Council Union is helping Japan in its aggression against China; on the contrary, people say that it is helping China to resist this aggression, the reason being that it actually is helping China. At present, both sides in the world war have trading relations with the Council Union, but this cannot be regarded as assistance to either, still less as taking part in the war. Only if the nature of the war changes, if the war in one or more countries undergoes certain necessary changes and becomes advantageous to the Council Union and the peoples of the world, will it be possible for the Council Union to help or participate; otherwise, it will not. As for the fact that the Council Union is obliged to trade to a greater or lesser extent on more or less preferential terms with one or another of the belligerents according to how friendly or hostile it happens to be, that depends not on the Council Union, but on the attitude of the belligerents. But even if one or several countries adopt an anti-Soviet attitude, the Council Union will not break off trade relations with them, so long as they, like Germany before the 23rd of August, are willing to maintain diplomatic relations and conclude trade treaties with it, and do not declare war on it. It should be clearly understood that such commercial relations do not mean assistance, much less participation in war. Of course, every clear-minded person should be able to predict a situation that is likely to appear. In the changing international situation, Chamberlain is trying to organize a worldwide reactionary united front aimed at defeating Germany first and attacking the Council Union later, or attacking them both simultaneously. If this reactionary united front is in fact successfully organized and makes the Council Union its enemy, the Council Union and Germany will have common interests, and the character of Germany's war will become a war beneficial to the socialist countries. At that time, it is possible that the Council Union and Germany may form a united front, and the question of assistance or participation in the war may arise. But until then, such a question should not be posed. This is another manifestation of the unity of interests between the Council Union and the majority of the people of the world. This is the second question I wanted to talk about.


Many people in China are bewildered by the fact that Soviet troops have entered Poland.4 The complexity of the issue causes people's thinking to become confused. The Polish question should be viewed from various angles, from that of Germany, of Britain and France, of the Polish government, of the Polish people, and of the Council Union.

Germany started the war in order to plunder the Polish people and smash one flank of the Anglo-French imperialist front. By its nature, Germany's war is imperialist and should be opposed, not approved. This is the first point.

As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited it to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a worldwide redivision of the spoils, and made it a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus, their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved. This is the second point.

As for the Polish government, it was a Fascist, reactionary government of the Polish landlords and bourgeoisie, which ruthlessly exploited the more than 10'000'000 Polish workers and peasants and oppressed the Polish democrats; moreover, it was a government of Greater Polish chauvinists, which ruthlessly oppressed the non-Polish minority nationalities — the Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Germans, Lithuanians, and others, who number more than 10'000'000; it was itself an expansionist government. In the war, this reactionary Polish government willingly drove the Polish people to serve as cannon-fodder for British and French finance capital, and it willingly served as a sector of the reactionary front of international finance capital. For 20 years, the Polish government consistently opposed the Council Union, and, during the talks between Britain, France, and the Council Union, it obstinately rejected the Soviet offer to help it with troops. Moreover, it was an utterly incompetent government, its huge army of over 1'500'000 collapsed at the first blow, and it brought the country to ruin in just two weeks, leaving the Polish people under the heel of German imperialism. Such were the towering crimes of the Polish government, and it would be wrong for us to waste any sympathy on it. This is the third point.

As for the Polish people, they are victims; they should rise up against the oppression of the German Fascists and against their own reactionary landlord and bourgeois classes, and establish an independent, free, and democratic Polish State. Without the slightest doubt, our sympathy must go out to the Polish people. This is the fourth point.

As for the Council Union, its actions have been perfectly just. It was confronted by two problems. The first problem was whether to let the whole of Poland fall under the rule of German imperialism or to help the minority nationalities of eastern Poland win their liberation. It chose the second course. A vast stretch of territory inhabited by Belarusians and Ukrainians had been snatched from the newborn Council State by the German imperialists as far back as 1918, when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, and it was later arbitrarily put under the rule of the reactionary Polish government by the Treaty of Versailles. What the Council Union has now done is merely to recover its lost territory, liberate the oppressed Belarusians and Ukrainians, and save them from German oppression. The news dispatches of the last few days show how warmly these minority nationalities are welcoming the Red Army with food and drink as their liberator, while not a single report of this kind has come in from western Poland, which has been occupied by German troops, or from the places in western Germany, which have been occupied by French troops. This shows clearly that the Council Union's war is a just and non-predatory war of liberation, a war helping to liberate weak and small nations and free the people. On the other hand, the war being waged by Germany and by Britain and France is an unjust, predatory, and imperialist war for the oppression of other nations and peoples. The second problem confronting the Council Union was Chamberlain's endeavour to continue his old anti-Soviet policy. His policy was, first, to impose a large-scale blockade on Germany and bring pressure on it from the West; second, to try to form an alliance with the United States and to buy over Italy, Japan, and the countries of northern Europe, so as to isolate Germany; and, third, to bribe Germany with the offer of Poland, and even of Hungary and Romania. In short, Chamberlain resorted to all kinds of intimidation and bribery to get Germany to renounce the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty and turn its guns on the Council Union. This intrigue has been going on for some time and will continue. The powerful Soviet Red Army's entry into eastern Poland, with the aim of recovering the Council Union's own territory and liberating the weak and small nationalities there, was at the same time a practical move to prevent the forces of German aggression from expanding eastward and to frustrate Chamberlain's intrigue. Judging by the news reports of the last few days, this Soviet policy has been most successful. It is a concrete manifestation of the unity of the interests of the Council Union with those of the overwhelming majority of humanity, including those of the oppressed people under reactionary Polish rule. This is the fifth point.

This is the third question I wanted to talk about.


The whole situation since the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty constitutes a great blow to Japan and a great help to China; it strengthens the position of those resisting Japan and weakens the capitulators. The Chinese people have rightly welcomed this treaty. However, since the signing of the Nomonhan truce agreement,5 British and US news agencies have been busy spreading the story that a Soviet-Japanese non-aggression treaty is about to be signed, and this has caused concern among some Chinese people, who think that the Council Union may no longer help China. I believe they are wrong. The nature of the Nomonhan truce agreement is the same as that of the previous Lake Hasan truce agreement;6 that is to say, the Japanese militarists, being compelled to admit defeat, have had to recognize the inviolability of the Soviet and Mongolian borders. These truce agreements will enable the Council Union to increase, rather than decrease, its aid to China. As for the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty, the Council Union has been proposing it for many years, but Japan has invariably rejected it. Now, there is a faction of the Japanese ruling class that wants such a treaty with the Council Union, but whether the Council Union will be willing depends on the fundamental principle of whether the treaty will accord with the interests of the Council Union and of the overwhelming majority of humanity. Specifically, it depends on whether the treaty will conflict with the interests of China's war of national liberation. Judging from Stalin's report to the 18th All-Union Congress of the Communist Party of the Council Union on the 10th of March this year and Molotov's speech at the Supreme Council of the Union of Socialist Council Republics on the 30th of May, I think the Council Union will not alter this fundamental principle. Even if such a treaty were to be concluded, the Council Union would certainly not agree to anything that would restrict its freedom of action in helping China. The interests of the Council Union will always conform and never conflict with the interests of China's national liberation. I hold this as absolutely beyond doubt. People who are prejudiced against the Council Union are capitalizing on the Nomonhan truce agreement and on the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty in order to make trouble and stir up ill feeling between the two great nations of China and the Council Union. This is what the British, US, and French intriguers and the Chinese capitulators are doing; it is highly dangerous and we must thoroughly expose their dirty tricks. It is obvious that China's foreign policy must be one of resistance to Japanese aggression. This policy means primarily relying on our own efforts, while not ignoring any possibility of securing aid from abroad. Now that the imperialist world war has broken out, foreign aid is coming chiefly from three sources:

  • First, the Union of Socialist Council Republics.
  • Second, the people of the capitalist countries.
  • Third, the oppressed nations in the colonies and semi-colonies.

These are our only reliable sources of aid. Anything else that might be called foreign aid, even if it might become available, can only be regarded as supplementary and temporary. Of course, China should try to obtain such supplementary and temporary foreign aid, but must never depend too much on it or consider it reliable. China should maintain strict neutrality toward the belligerents in the imperialist war and not join either side. To maintain that China should join the Anglo-French imperialist war front is a capitulator's view, which is harmful to the War of Resistance as well as to the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation, and it should be flatly rejected. This is the fourth question I wanted to talk about.


These four questions are being widely discussed by our compatriots. It is a very good thing that they are paying attention to the study of international problems, to the relations between the imperialist world war and China's War of Resistance and between the Council Union and China, because their aim is victory over Japanese aggression. Here, I have given some of my fundamental views on these questions, and I hope that readers will not spare their comments.

  1. Editor's Note: The League of Nations was an organization formed by Britain, France, Japan, and other imperialist powers after the imperialist First World War for the redivision of the world through bargaining and temporary adjustments of conflicting interests. In 1931, the Japanese imperialists occupied China's North-East, and in 1933, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, in order to be able to extend its aggression more freely. In the same year, the German Fascists came to power, and later, they, too, withdrew from the League of Nations to facilitate their preparations for a war of aggression. It was in 1934, when the threat of a Fascist war of aggression was growing, that the Council Union joined the League of Nations; in this way, the possibility arose of this imperialist organization for the redivision of the world being turned into one that might serve the cause of world peace. Italy withdrew from the League of Nations after its invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. 

  2. Editor's Note: The Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Socialist Council Republics and France and the Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Socialist Council Republics and the Republic of Czechoslovakia were concluded in 1935. 

  3. Editor's Note: The British bourgeois politician Lloyd George, who had been Prime Minister during the imperialist First World War, declared in Parliament in November 1938, when Britain, France, Germany, and Italy were going to negotiate, that peace could not be won by rejecting Soviet participation in the negotiations. 

  4. Editor's Note: On the 1st of September, 1939, the German imperialists invaded Poland and occupied most of its territory. On the 17th, the reactionary Polish government fled abroad. On the same day, the Council Union dispatched its troops to eastern Poland in order to recover its own lost territories, emancipate the oppressed Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, and check the eastward drive of the German Fascist troops. 

  5. Editor's Note: The Nomonhan truce agreement was concluded in Moscow in September 1939. In May 1939, the Japanese and the puppet «Manchu» troops had jointly attacked the troops of the Council Union and the People's Republic of Mongolia at Nomonhan, on the border between Mongolia and «Manzhouguo», and were completely defeated by the Soviet and Mongolian forces in a heroic war of self-defence. The Japanese then sued for peace. The truce agreement provided for an immediate ceasefire and the formation of a commission of four, with two representatives from each side, to demarcate the border between the People's Republic of Mongolia and the puppet State of «Manzhouguo» at places where the conflict had taken place. 

  6. Editor's Note: The Lake Hasan truce agreement was concluded in Moscow on the 11th of August, 1938. At the end of July and the beginning of August 1938, the Japanese had committed acts of provocation against the Soviet troops in the Lake Hasan district on the border between China, Korea, and the Council Union and had been vigorously repulsed. The Japanese sued for peace. The truce agreement provided for an immediate ceasefire and the formation of a commission of four, with two representatives from the Soviet side and two from the Japanese-«Manchu» side, to investigate the border lines and make a final settlement.