On the New Great Political Strategy


This edition of On the New Great Political Strategy has been translated, prepared, and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the edition published on pcp71028.wordpress.com.


This is a document written by Comrade Gonzalo in the Military Prison of the Callao Naval Base in Callao, Peru in November 1993. It was first published as a document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!


#November 1993


What guides us and what we are applying is a new great political strategy for the Party, the People's War, and the Peruvian revolution within the general political retreat of the proletarian world revolution. It is the new great political strategy for the development of the fourth period in the history of the Party, our axis and hinge; it is our course for the future decades. Let us keep in mind that it took more than 30 years of struggle, especially by the Red Faction during the early 1960s, for us to reach the period of the «reconstitution of the Party», the period of its «leadership of the People's War», and the period of today, and this all took place within the process of development of the proletarian world revolution, whose highest point was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1966-76, which corresponded to the biggest wave of the national-liberation movement before its subsequent decline and its current political retreat.

Thus, the application and development of this new great political strategy will take decades and should be considered within the perspective of the future great wave of the proletarian world revolution, as a part of the new stage of the world revolution that is already being prepared. Let us remember well what Lenin said, that historical processes are counted by the decade, not by the year. And it is within this strategy, in sum the course of the fourth period in the Party's history, that we have defined and carry forward the general political line of the new great decision and definition, whose approval must take place at the Party's Second National Congress, from which derives the general policy of fighting for a peace agreement and creating the conditions for the Second Congress! Both line and policy are inseparably linked, as are their constituent parts, that is, the decision and the definition are linked, and so are fighting for a peace agreement and creating conditions for the Second Congress — they cannot be separated; fighting for one makes it possible to achieve the other and the other way around. The general policy, «Fight for a peace agreement and create the conditions for the Second Congress!» is the application of the general political line of the new great decision and definition in the present conjuncture. The new decision is concretized in the policy, «Fight for a peace agreement!», and the new definition in the policy, «Create conditions for the Second Congress!». Fighting for the new decision implies fighting for the new definition and the other way around, just as fighting for a peace agreement implies fighting to create conditions for the Second Congress and the other way around, and fighting for the new great decision and definition implies fighting for a peace agreement and creating conditions for the Second Congress and the other way around.

Obviously, line and policy are inseparable from strategy, since they are its concrete content. The best way to apply and develop this new great political strategy is to view taking up and fighting for the new great decision and definition as the key link and immediate problem, whereas achieving a peace agreement opens up the door for creating conditions for the Second Congress. This agreement will allow, apart from giving us initiative and new possibilities, to maintain the largest possible amount of Party members, cadres, and directors, especially those who have been tempered and tested (there will be a great separation of the wheat and the tares); as well as of tempered fighters and brave masses, who struggle closely together with us. With this detachment, the Party will begin the road of the fourth period in its history and apply the enormous accumulated experience, mainly positive, and will fulfil its role as the axis and hinge, the organized vanguard of the Peruvian proletariat, and the shock troop of the proletarian world revolution.

The other condition or situation in which this objectively necessary new great political strategy would have to be applied would be a defeat derived either from not being able to develop the People's War, but simply to maintain it, or from its dying out due to the slow destruction of its forces. In this condition or situation of defeat of the People's War, the same new great political strategy would have to be applied, but in the worst possible conditions for our class, our people, and the revolution, which would undoubtedly be both beneficial and the preferred outcome for imperialism and the other camp.

Thus, in sum, the tactic that we are following in application of the new great political strategy, line, and policy is that the Party centrally directs the general political and military retreat that will allow it, amidst arduous, complex, difficult, and risky struggle for the realization of the peace agreement, to create conditions for the Second Congress that will allow for the development of the Party and the fulfilment of its tasks at the beginning of the 21st century, the beginning of the third millennium, as a part of and to serve the future great wave of the proletarian world revolution. This is a task of great transcendence that demands that we persist unstoppably in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo's Thought, our specific and main weapon, which is indispensable and necessary to solve the new problems that we face, as was established by the Third Plenary Session of the First Central Committee.