Glory to the Day of Heroism!


This edition of Glory to the Day of Heroism! has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the following edition: Quotation in Develop the People's War to Serve the World Revolution, in A World to Win, No. 9, 1987.


This is a resolution drafted by Comrade Gonzalo for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru in Lima, Peru after the 19th of June, 1986.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!



#After the 19th of June, 1986


Following in the footsteps of its predecessor, since the very start the reactionary APRA government has resorted to genocide against the People's War, covering it up with pompous demagoguery, with the support and aid of the electoral opportunists. This was amply proven by the crimes committed by the police and armed forces of the Peruvian State in Aqomarca, Umaru, Bellavista, and Lloclapampa.

The reaction took sinister aim against the prisoners of war, planning their genocidal liquidation. This took place on the 4th of October last year, with the cowardly and brutal murder of 13 fighters in Lurigancho Prison. This is another abominable crime that has gone unpunished, and only the victorious people will be able to mete out punishment.

On the 18th of June, 1986, at El Fronton, Lurigancho, and Callao, the prisoners of war rose up in rebellion against the new genocide under way, after having publicly and repeatedly denounced, before the courts and the authorities themselves, the slaughter that the government and its armed forces were plotting. They arose in defence of the revolution and their lives, putting forward 26 very just and reasonable demands.

On the 19th, after the reactionary APRA government headed by Garcia went through the grotesque farce of manipulating the so-called «Peace Commission», it unleashed the most vile and evil extermination operation, mobilizing the army, navy, air force, and police under the Joint Command to carry out the most monstrous genocide, killing hundreds of prisoners of war, guerrilla fighters, and children of the people, and bathing themselves once more in the ardent blood of the people. Let Alan Garcia, his cabinet, the Joint Command, the armed forces, and the police be covered with indelible ignominy that the people shall never forget and that only the people shall punish!

The fighters of the People's Guerrilla Army, prisoners of war, fought heroically and daringly, upholding the slogan, «It's right to rebel!»,1 and setting a landmark of heroism, valour, and courage that history will cherish as exemplary of the heroes that only a people's war can bring forth.

Thus, the 19th of June is forever stamped as the Day of Heroism. The blood of these heroes is already nurturing the armed revolution, fanning its flames, arising like a tremendous flag unfurled and like an inexhaustible war cry summoning the inevitable final victory.

The glorious death of these prisoners of war in battle is wrapped in the blood already spilt, and before it we Communists, fighters, and children of the people pledge our unwavering commitment to follow their shining example, to develop the People's War to serve the world revolution until the inextinguishable light of communism dwells upon the whole Earth under the forever victorious banners of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism ever green.


  1. Source: Mao Zedong: It's Right to Rebel! (21st of December, 1939)